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Manipulating Blocks

Below, we explain how to read Blocks from the editor, and how to create / remove / update Blocks.

Block Identifiers

Whenever you need to find a block in the editor for accessing, inserting, updating, removing, or replacing a block, you can use a BlockIdentifier. This can be either a string representing the block ID, or a Block object from which the ID is taken:

type BlockIdentifier = string | Block;

Accessing Blocks

There are a few different ways to retrieve Blocks from the editor:

Getting All Top-Level Blocks

You can retrieve a snapshot of all top-level (non-nested) blocks in the editor using the following call:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public get topLevelBlocks(): Block[];

// Usage
const blocks = editor.topLevelBlocks;

returns: A snapshot of all top-level (non-nested) blocks in the editor.

We've actually already seen this used for the live example in Getting Familiar with Block Objects, where we showed its output below the editor.

Getting a Specific Block

Use getBlock to retrieve a snapshot of a specific block in the editor:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public getBlock(blockIdentifier: BlockIdentifier): Block | undefined;

// Usage
const block = editor.getBlock(blockIdentifier);

blockIdentifier: The identifier of an existing block that should be retrieved.

returns: The block that matches the identifier, or undefined if no matching block was found.

Traversing All Blocks

You can traverse all blocks in the editor depth-first, and execute a callback for each, using the following call:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public forEachBlock(
    callback: (block: Block) => boolean,
    reverse: boolean = false
  ): void;

// Usage
editor.forEachBlock((block) => {...});

callback: The callback to execute for each block. Returning false stops the traversal.

reverse: Whether the blocks should be traversed in reverse order.

Getting the Hovered Block

BlockNote uses TextCursorPosition objects to represent the text cursor's position. In these, you can also find the block that currently contains the text cursor. To find out more about TextCursorPosition objects, head to Cursor & Selections.

Partial Blocks

When retrieving blocks from the editor, you always receive complete Block objects. For updating or creating blocks, you can pass a PartialBlock type:

type PartialBlock = {
  id?: string;
  type?: string;
  props?: Partial<Record<string, string>>;
  content?: string | InlineContent[];
  children?: BlockSpec[];

PartialBlock objects are almost the same as regular Block objects, but with all members optional and partial props. This makes updating or creating simpler blocks much easier. We'll see this below.

Inserting New Blocks

You can insert new blocks into the editor using the following call:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public insertBlocks(
    blocksToInsert: PartialBlock[],
    referenceBlock: BlockIdentifier,
    placement: "before" | "after" | "nested" = "before"
  ): void;

// Usage
editor.insertBlocks(blocksToInsert, referenceBlock, placement)

blocksToInsert: An array of partial blocks that should be inserted.

referenceBlock: An identifier for an existing block, at which the new blocks should be inserted.

placement: Whether the blocks should be inserted just before, just after, or nested inside the referenceBlock. Inserts the blocks at the start of the existing block's children if "nested" is used.

If a block's id is undefined, BlockNote generates one automatically. Throws an error if the reference block could not be found.

Updating Blocks

You can update an existing block in the editor using the following call:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public updateBlock(
    blockToUpdate: BlockIdentifier,
    update: PartialBlock
  ): void;

// Example to change a block type to paragraph
editor.updateBlock(blockToUpdate, { type: "paragraph" });

blockToUpdate: The identifier of an existing block that should be updated.

update: A partial block which defines how the existing block should be changed.

Since updatedBlock is a PartialBlock object, some fields might not be defined. These undefined fields are kept as-is from the existing block. Throws an error if the block to update could not be found.

Removing Blocks

You can remove existing blocks from the editor using the following call:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public removeBlocks(
    blocksToRemove: BlockIdentifier[],
  ): void;

// Usage

blocksToRemove: An array of identifiers for existing blocks that should be removed.

Throws an error if any of the blocks could not be found.

Replacing Blocks

You can replace existing blocks in the editor with new blocks using the following call:

// Definition
class BlockNoteEditor {
  public replaceBlocks(
    blocksToRemove: BlockIdentifier[],
    blocksToInsert: PartialBlock[],
  ): void;

// Usage
editor.replaceBlocks(blocksToRemove, blocksToInsert)

blocksToRemove: An array of identifiers for existing blocks that should be replaced.

blocksToInsert: An array of partial blocks that the existing ones should be replaced with.

If the blocks that should be removed are not adjacent or are at different nesting levels, blocksToInsert will be inserted at the position of the first block in blocksToRemove. Throws an error if any of the blocks to remove could not be found.